
Far from the sea, the cities of Midelt, Errachidia and Merzouga show a completely different Morocco. Between the heights of the Middle Atlas and the expansive Sahara, these towns are teeming with picturesque countryside and curious villages.
Midelt and Errachidia are mountain cities. The picturesque reliefs cut out the horizon, giving off an impression of calm and serenity. Cedars and firs crown these heights, accentuating the sensation of peacefulness, while in the valley grow oaks, date palms and olive trees. Many excursions are planned to take you to these beautiful landscapes.
The desert that extends from Midelt and Errachidia leads to Merzouga. The village is lost in the middle of the sand. In these surroundings, the highest dunes in Morocco and the most simmering sunrise in the world charms its visitors. Here also, a palm grove is extending, and the birds are flying over the water : It’s the Dayet Srij lake and its migrating birds. The several excursions offered give you the opportunity to take a close look at these treasures and to explore all the richness of the mystic desert.
By staying at such a remote area that gives you a complete change of scenery, you’ll want to explore a wild nature and adventures that derives from it !