
In their streets, the treasures of history accumulate, everywhere, monuments stand up that evoke the glories of the past. Yet nothing seems petrified there, draped in a grandeur that is no longer there. The city is active, full of life: the clamor of the souks resounds there, as does the beat of the tools of the craftsmen at work. In Tetouan, the craftsmen of the medina work to make sumptuous zelliges, enamel masterpieces that make the city famous. Other artists prefer wood to ceramics and paint panels with virtuosity. Outside the city, the local gastronomy is nourished by a whole hinterland: olive and fig trees grow by the hundreds, while women make the famous Jben, a white cheese wrapped in palm leaves, which they take to the city and which you can discover in the souks. Fertile lands, lively souks and authentic craftsmanship that are constantly being revisited, that's the charm of Tetouan!